Eurus Energy Joins GWO for the First Time in Japan
Effective July 6, 2023, Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; "Eurus Energy") is joining as a board member of Global Wind Organisation (GWO), a non-profit organization consisting of wind power generation facility owners and major wind turbine manufacturers. Eurus Energy is the first Japanese company to become a member of GWO.
GWO was established in 2012 as a non-profit organisation with the goal of creating a safe working environment at wind power facilities. With Eurus joining the General Assembly of GWO, 24 global companies now participate as members, sharing risk information and expertise with their counterparts in the wind power industry, and establishing common international standards for safety training and emergency procedures.
GWO Membership requires companies to demonstrate their status as dutyholders for safety on site. The criteria to meet this threshold is that they have at least 1,000 employees engaged in construction, installation, operations and maintenance of wind turbines or that they own wind farms in operation or under construction with an installed capacity of at least 1,000 MW.
Takeshi Ito, Executive Officer at Eurus Energy , said: “Eurus Energy is currently promoting 92 wind power generation projects in 15 countries and regions around the world, including those under construction, totaling approximately 3,080 MW*1, and decided to join GWO because we agree with the purpose and social significance of the activities that GWO aims to achieve.
“Eurus Energy has consistently continued to strengthen our efforts to realise the safe and stable operation of wind power plants. However, in order to achieve further expansion of renewable energy development in the future, Eurus Energy believes it is essential for the wind power industry to increase the number of employees involved in wind power facilities and to create a safe and secure working environment for employees.
“By joining GWO at this time, Eurus Energy aims leverage its experience as a leading wind power generation company in Japan to help create a safer working environment in the wind power generation industry, and we will contribute to global environmental conservation and the creation of a sustainable society through the expansion of renewable energy introduction.
Jakob Lau Holst, CEO of Global Wind Organisation, added: ““I am proud to welcome Eurus Energy to the GWO membership, which now comprises 24 of the world’s largest manufacturers and owners of wind turbines. As our first ever Japanese member company, Eurus Energy can play a pivotal role in helping to establish GWO standards in the region, while ensuring that they adapt to the needs of Japan’s existing health and safety framework.”
*1 As of July, 2023
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