October 1986
Started as the electricity business branch of the Tomen Corporation Group
(currently Toyota Tsusho Corporation)
September 1987
Started wind power generation projects in the United States
(Mojave project, California) 
September 1988
Established the Toyo Construction Company
(formerly Tomen Power Corporation; currently Eurus Energy America Corporation)
March 1993
Started wind power generation projects in the United Kingdom
(P&L and RYG, Wales) 
December 1996
Started wind power generation projects in Italy
(IVPC, Puglia and Campania) 
April 1997
Established Tomen Power Europe B.V.
(currently Eurus Energy Europe B.V.)
February 1998
Started wind power generation projects in Spain
(Paxareiras I and IIa, Galicia) 
September 1998
Established Tomen Power Japan Corporation
(currently Eurus Technical Service Corporation)
November 1999
Started wind power generation project in Japan
(Eurus Tomamae Wind Farm, Hokkaido) 
November 2001
Tomen Power Holdings Corporation spun off from Tomen Corporation to pursue its clean energy business.
October 2002
Changed name to Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation
(Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Incorporated became a 50% shareholder)
March 2004
Shareholder composition changed
(Tokyo Electric Power Company 60%, Tomen Corporation 40%)
December 2004
Reached total capacity of 1,000 MW
December 2005
Started wind power generation project in South Korea
(Gangwon Project, Gangwon) 
April 2006
Shareholder composition changed
(Tokyo Electric Power Company 60%, Toyota Tsusho 40%)
May 2008
Started the Eurus Energy Group's first solar power generation project in South Korea
(South-West Solar Power, Jeollabuk-do) 
March 2011
Reached total capacity of 2,000 MW
July 2011
Started wind power generation project in Norway
(Høg-Jæren EnergiPark, Rogaland) 
August 2011
Started solar power generation project in the United States
(Avenal, California) 
January 2012
Shareholder composition changed
(Toyota Tsusho 60%,
Tokyo Electric Power Company 40%)
May 2012
Started wind power generation project in Australia
(Hallett5 Wind Farm, South Australia) 
November 2013
Started solar power generation project in Japan
(Eurus Misaki Solar Park , Osaka) 
January 2015
Started wind power generation projects in Uruguay
(Minas, Lavalleja) 
April 2015
Eurus Energy Japan Corporation was renamed to Eurus Technical Service Corporation.
October 2016
Started wind power generation projects in Finland
(Kankaanpäänmäki and Mustaisneva, Southern Ostrobothnia ) 
November 2016
Started wind power generation projects in Netherlands
(Windpark Netterden, Gelderland and 6 states 8 projects) 
September 2017
Started solar power generation projects in Chile
(La Esperanza and Marchigüe, O'higgins) 
May 2018
Reached total Japanese domestic capacity of 1,000 MW
September 2019
Reached total Europe domestic capacity of 1,000MW
October 2019
Started wind power generation project in Africa
(Gulf of Suez Wind Farm, Red sea) 
October 2019
Reached total capacity of 3,000 MW
December 2020
Started solar power generation project in Taiwan (Neipu Photovoltaic Power Plant, Neipu) 
February 2022
Started wind power generation project in Mexico (Eolica Coromuel, Baja California Sur) 
August 2022
Shareholder composition changed
(Toyota Tsusho 100%)