Sale of Non-FIT Non-Fossil Certificates with Tracking through Private Exchange
Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; "Eurus Energy") has recently begun sales to retail electricity providers of "Non-FIT Non-Fossil Certificates with Tracking"*1, which certify the non-fossil value of renewable energy electricity generated at Eurus Energy Group's wind power plants. The certificates are exchanged through the marketplace of enechain Corporation (“enechain”), the largest electricity forward market operator in Japan.
There are two main methods of selling Non-FIT Non-Fossil Certificates. The first method is by bidding at auctions held by the Japan Electric Power Exchange (JEPX). The second is by bilateral sales to retail electricity suppliers and other parties. Using the latter method enables the customer to evaluate not only the non-fossil value, but also specific attribute information (“tracking”) about the power source, such as wind power generation, ownership of power sources, or region of power plants location. However, due to the limited number of these transactions to date, there have been challenges in meeting the needs of the retail electricity providers seeking this specific attribute information.
In order to overcome this situation, Eurus has cooperated with enechain to introduce a new sales method on the enechain marketplace, in which the attribute information of the power source to be assigned to the certificate is clearly indicated in advance, and multiple retail electricity providers are invited to purchase the certificates.
As a result, in our sale conducted in April 2023, Eurus received requests for purchase exceeding the planned volume, and successfully concluded sales contracts implementing the tracking procedures for Non-FIT Non-Fossil Certificates. The certificates were sold for power plants*2 owned and operated by Eurus Energy Group, with the customers determined based on predetermined procedures.
Based on this result, Eurus intends to sell Non-FIT Non-Fossil Certificates for power generation in 2023 in the same manner.
Based on our corporate philosophy of "playing a role in global environmental conservation through the diffusion and expansion of clean energy," we will continue to contribute to global environmental conservation and the creation of a sustainable society through the introduction and expansion of renewable energy by making efforts to promote and value the appeal of renewable energy.
1 For power generation in 2022, with renewable energy designation and tracking granted.
2 Eurus Iwaya Wind Farm (Aomori Pref.), Eurus Date Kitakogane Wind Farm (Hokkaido), Eurus Embetsu Wind Farm (Hokkaido), Eurus Teshio Wind Farm (Hokkaido), and Eurus Hamatonbetsu Wind Farm (Hokkaido)
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