Eurus Achieves CO2-Free Electricity Consumption at All Domestic Sites in Fiscal Year 2022.
- Projects
Eurus Energy Group achieved the practical elimination of all CO2 emissions from electricity consumption in fiscal 2022 (April 1, 2022 - March 31, 2023) in its continued effort to promote the reduction of CO2 emissions from electricity used at all offices and other facilities in Japan. This marks the third consecutive year of achieving the goal since fiscal 2020, when this initiative was launched.
In fiscal 2022, the power consumed throughout all 50 of Eurus’ domestic offices and 45 wind and solar power plants was practically 100% renewable through the procurement of CO2-free electricity*1, combined with the purchase of "FIT non-fossil certificates*2," which have the environmental value of zero CO2 emissions.
In addition, Eurus reduced CO2 emissions associated with our annual electricity consumption by approximately 6,500 tons*3. This reduction is equivalent to the CO2 emissions from approximately 2,400 average households*4.
We believe that this initiative contributes to the realization of a decarbonized society, which is the goal of the Japanese government, and we plan to continue this effort in fiscal 2023 and beyond to achieve further reduction of CO2 emissions.
As a leading company within the renewable energy power generation business, Eurus will continue to promote the active use of renewable energy, and by doing so contribute to the conservation of the global environment and the creation of a sustainable society.
Through this initiative, Eurus will contribute to the sustainable development goals of "7. |
*1 Procurement of virtually CO2 emission-free electricity from Eurus Green Energy Corporation (“EGE”), Eurus Energy Group’s retail electricity provider, and other retail electricity providers utilizing the environmental values derived from the Group's power plants
*2 Purchased certificates from EGE with attribution information of Eurus Energy Group's power plants
*3 Calculated based on basic emission factors for FY2021 submission
*4 Annual CO2 emissions per household are calculated as 2.72 tons (Source: "Statistical Survey on CO2 Emissions in the Household Sector," Ministry of the Environment
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