Electric power consumption in Tarumizu data center transitioned to virtually 100% renewable energy and demand response function pilot launched
In July 2021, Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation (“Eurus”) will begin powering its containerized data center installed in Tarumizu City, Kagoshima Prefecture (“Tarumizu Data Center”) with renewable energy electricity supplied by Eurus Green Energy Corporation, and will also start verifying its demand response function with a view to contributing to the balancing of power supply and demand.
Nowadays, there is a need for further promotion of digital transformation and reduction of CO2 emissions, and the need for green data centers are increasing. The conversion to virtually 100% renewable energy consumed by Tarumizu Data Center is a new step toward the realization of our corporate philosophy and the contribution to the resolution of social issues.
Currently, Tarumizu Data Center provides various cloud services, including online CG rendering service (a business that sells the computing power required for data processing required by CG production, etc. via the internet). In order to effectively utilize surplus computing power during times when there is no demand for cloud services, Eurus will also start a pilot operation related to crypto currency mining using virtually 100% renewable energy electricity.
Since this crypto currency mining allows for flexible adjustment of operations, this is a functionality that temporarily stops and suppresses the demand for electricity during times when the demand for electricity is high and the market price of electricity rises, functioning as a "(reduced) Demand Response".
During times when the output of renewable energy is curtailed and the electricity market price approaches zero yen, it is expected that the facility will be fully utilized by this function as "(increased) Demand Response" that creates electricity demand.
Eurus will utilize these functions to contribute to the improvement of power supply and demand, and will study the results with a view to future participation in the electricity ancillary services market.
This initiative made possible by linking the functions of Eurus Green Energy Corporation, which can procure electricity directly from the wholesale electricity market, with the functions of Tarumizu Data Center, which can flexibly respond to electricity demand, and the plan will simultaneously contribute to improving business profitability and ensuring the stability of the electric power network.
Based on our corporate philosophy, "Helping to Preserve the Global Environment by Disseminating and Expanding Clean Energy Technologies", Eurus will take on the challenge of creating new businesses by flexibly combining the various business functions.
【Eurus Green Energy Corporation】
Eurus Green Energy Corporation was established in December 2018 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation, a leading company in the wind power generation industry in Japan, and responsible for retail sales of electricity within the Eurus Energy Group. A service to provide Eurus brand electricity to local facilities at some power plants is scheduled to start in March 2022.
URL:https://www.eurus-green-energy.co.jp/(Only Japanese site)
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