Eurus Energy Group’s Training Facility Receives GWO Certification
Eurus Technical Service Corporation, Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation’s subsidiary responsible for operation and maintenance of wind and solar power plants within Eurus Energy Group (Eurus), has acquired certification from the Global Wind Organisation (GWO) as a its Basic Safety Training (BST) provider. The BST training, an international standard for basic safety training in wind turbine operations, will be conducted at the Eurus Training Center located in Inzai City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan.
In recent years, Eurus Energy Group has used our Training Center to provide a growing range of in-house training opportunities to our operation and maintenance staff. The Training Center facilities have been enhanced during this time to cover instruction on various topics, such as safe operation of high altitude wind turbine generators, as we have strengthened our efforts to achieve safe and stable operation of power plants.
We currently able to provide training in four of the five basic safety training areas specified by GWO-BST: "First Aid", "Manual Handling", “Fire Awareness" and “Working at height".
Going forward, Eurus intends to initially perform the BST training primarily for internal staff, and to begin accepting some trainees from outside the Eurus Group in the second half of 2023.
Since initiating the operation of Japan's first wind farm in 1999, Eurus Energy Group has been involved in numerous projects, from development through operation, as a leading company in the wind power generation business in Japan.
We will continue to provide practical and useful safety training based on our knowledge of construction and operation sites, aiming to build a safe working environment in the wind power industry: and at the same time, contribute to global environmental conservation and the creation of a sustainable society through the introduction and expansion of renewable energy.
※1 GWO (Global Wind Organisation) is a non-profit organization comprised of wind power facility owners and major wind turbine manufacturers. It was established in 2012 to support the creation of safe working environments at wind power facilities.
【Overview of facilities with GWO accreditation】
Facility Name | Training Center |
Location | Inzai City, Chiba Prefecture |
【Overview of BST(Basic Safety Training) with GWO accreditation】
1. First Aid:Training on first aid for injuries, CPR, and AED use
2. Manual Handling:Training to safely transport heavy objects
3. Fire Awareness:Training in extinguishing fires and escaping from facilities
4. Working at heights:Rescue at heights, emergency descent training
※Provide 4-day course for initial attendance and 3-day course for renewal
【Training sessions】
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