Change in Shareholder Composition of the Company
As of August 1st 2022, Toyota Tsusho Group acquired 40% of Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation’s (the Company) outstanding shares from Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
As a result of this transaction, the company has become a wholly owned subsidiary of Toyota Tsusho Corporation.
Eurus Energy Group will continue to steadily perform its duties based on its corporate philosophy of "Helping to Preserve the Global Environment by Disseminating and Expanding Clean Energy Technologies," while at the same time aiming to pursue its corporate vision “Develop with local communities and maintain the trust of society". Eurus will strive to maintain and enhance relationships of trust while emphasizing communication with local residents, and will make every effort to become a company that is valued by its stakeholders by fulfilling its corporate social responsibility.
最新のPress Release/News
Eurus Energy Starts Operation of Yuchi Wind Farm
– The Fifth Wind Farm of the Dohoku Wind Power Generation Project Completed – -
Eurus Energy Holds Opening Ceremony for the Eurus Sandaimyojin Wind Farm
Eurus Technical Service Begins “24-hour Manned Monitoring Service for Wind and Solar Power Plants”
– Supporting safe and stable operation of power plants and contributing to the expansion of renewable energy – -
Eurus Energy to Expand Gulf of Suez Wind Farm II under Construction in Egypt by 150MW
– To Build Africa’s Largest 654 MW Wind Power Facility –