Eurus Energy Starts Verification Test to Improve Wind Power Generation Efficiency
– Attach Nikon’s Riblet Film to Wind Turbine Blades –
Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation (“Eurus Energy") announced today that it has started verification test to improve wind power generation efficiency by attaching a film treated by riblet processing (“riblet film”) developed by Nikon Corporation (“Nikon”) to the wind turbine blades in the Eurus Soya misaki Wind Farm (location: Wakkanai City, Hokkaido). This will be the Japan’s first*1 attempt to conduct a verification test aiming to improve wind power generation efficiency by attaching a riblet film to wind turbine blades.
Riblet processing is a type of biomimetics*2 and forms a fine groove structure inspired by the shape of shark skin, which reduces water resistance. By combining Nikon’s proprietary technology to create a fine groove structure along the surface that comes into contact with liquid or air, friction drag caused by the irregular flow of fluid can be reduced and energy efficiency improved.
The wind turbine will be operated with the riblet film attached on a trial basis for a year from September 10 to obtain related data, verify the increased rate of power output and test the durability of surfaces covered with the riblet film. Three pairs of 1-MW wind turbines in similar wind environment conditions will be selected. One will be attached with riblet films and the other without to compare power output, etc.
Nikon anticipates that attaching the riblet film will improve wind power generation efficiency by approximately 3 percent*3. By applying riblet film on all 57 wind turbines at the Eurus Soya misaki Wind Farm, it is expected to increase the power generation equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of approximately 1,710 households.
Based on our corporate philosophy of “Helping to preserve the global environment by disseminating and expanding clean energy technologies” and our corporate vision of “Develop with local communities and maintain the trust of society”, Eurus Energy group will continue to work on further expansion of wind power generation and contribute to global environmental conservation and the creation of a sustainable society.
*1 Among wind turbines announced as of September 24, 2024. According to research by Eurus Energy and Nikon.
*2 Biomimetics: A generic term for the science and technology that emulate the functions of unique structures of living organisms to provide industrial products with great functionality.
*3 Calculation by Nikon in wind-tunnel test.
Outline of Verification Test
Period | for one year beginning September 10, 2024 |
Location | Eurus Soya misaki Wind Farm (Wakkanai City, Hokkaido) |
Details of the Verification | - verify the increased rate of power output by attaching the riblet film to the wind turbine blades - test the durability of surfaces covered with the riblet film |
Outline of Wind Farm
Name of the project | Eurus Soya misaki Wind Farm |
Location | Wakkanai City, Hokkaido |
Capacity | 57MW (1MW×57) |
Start of operation | November, 2005 |
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